How to Choose Adult Bib Neck Closure Style

Neck Closure Style – Hook and Loop, Snap, Knot Button, or Self Tie?


1、Hook & Loop closure – This is the most popular closure style sold. It is easy to open and close. People with limited mobility in their hands can close the bibs. Make sure you close the Hook and Loop Closure (stick it together) when washing. Why? If you do not close the fasteners it will stick to other clothes or the bib itself and make pulls on the bib (terry cloth will pull). After a time the closure may not work as well because the ability for Hook & Loop Closure to close after being laundered hundreds of times diminishes. Hook & Loop Closure is generic.

2、Knot button closure - Our knot button closure bibs last longer Hook & Loop Closure Bibs. The knot does not wear out as quickly. There are 2-knot holes on the bib to allow for neck adjustment. Simply slide the knot through the hole to clasp the neck closure. The main benefit they should last longer in the wash. We sell very few bibs with this closure.

3、Snaps – Snap closure adult bibs require the dexterity necessary to close a snap. As some people age their ability to use their hands diminishes due to arthritis, Parkinson's disease, or other mobility-limiting diseases. Snaps will not pull on items being laundered as Velcro closures do. Snaps should last longer.

4、Terry cloth self-Tie – This closure is simply a bib that ties behind the neck. These bibs are hard for people with limited mobility to tie themselves. The bibs laundered well because they have nothing to catch on in the wash. These are the least popular closure style on adult bibs that we sell. The benefit of this type of bib closure is the caregiver can put their finger under the tie, lift up, and easily undo the tie. However, the person wearing the bib will not be able to pull the bib down and remove the bib.
