How to Talk to Cats

Cats can be quite vocal and good at communicating their wants and needs, but do cats like when you talk to them? If you talk and talk but feel like your cat doesn't listen, maybe you're just not speaking the right language. Learn how to talk to cats and tell your kitty how much you care.

How to Speak Cat

Cats don't usually vocalize with one another, saving those meows, trills and chirps for their human companions, says Catster. Their primary language is body language. They speak with their tails, the position of their ears, their posture and even their facial expressions. With that in mind, here are some ways you can get your kitty to understand you.

Match Tone to Command

While cats are fluent in body language, they also understand the tone and pitch of your voice more than your actual words. Using a light, happy voice while telling them to get off the counter or stop scratching will only confuse them into thinking you're pleased with their actions. Match a firm, commanding voice in a lower pitch with commands like "No!" "Stop!" or "Down!" and your kitty will know exactly what you mean. In the same vein, use a higher, happier pitch when praising your kitty, calling them or offering them something exciting like a treat or toy.

Match Gestures to Words
Combining your tone with gestures and motions will really help get your point across. For example, point at the floor or make a downward motion with your hand while commanding your kitty to get off the counter, and wave them toward you or summon them with your index finger while calling them to you.

Be Careful With Eye Contact
Cats don't appreciate a staring contest. While they may stare at you to get your attention, returning their stare for too long may be considered a threat. You can tell when your kitty is getting agitated by looking into their eyes; if their pupils become dilated, it can signal excitement or aggression.

Blink for I Love You
While an unblinking stare might be perceived as a threat, closed eyes are a sign of trust between you and your kitty, which to them is the ultimate declaration of love. You can let your kitty know how much they mean to you by making eye contact and slowly closing your eyes for a moment before opening them again.

Imitate Head and Nose Bumps
Another way your kitty shows affection is by bumping you with their head or nose. Gently returning those head bumps is likely to get a purr of pleasure in response. You can initiate a nose bump by extending a knuckle at your cat's level and inviting them to give it a sniff.
