Dogs want more than anything to make you happy – that's why most are easily trainable. Before you get started, make a list of basic commands you want him to know: "sit”, "stay”, "come”, "down” or "no” (one that always comes in handy). You might also want to control his barking, teach him not to beg for food and how to avoid accidents in the house. These are all very doable – all it requires is consistency, praise, occasional treats and lots of patience and positivity. Read on for more dog training tips and advice.
House Training
When you begin puppy potty training, be prepared for accidents – and break out the patience and positivity. This is one of the most important things to teach your dog, so start by creating a schedule. Dogs are creatures of habit, so taking him out to relieve himself after he eats, plays, wakes up from a nap, before confinement and whenever he sniffs around for a spot to urinate, are all good times to put on the schedule. When your dog eliminates in the right spot, give him plenty of praise. Even a snack after he goes will motivate him the next time around. In time, your pup will know where and when to go. Just remember, not all puppies are perfect. You may need to clean up a mess or two. For more training tips, read the articles above.
Socializing Your Dog
The key to socialization is exposing your pup to as many people, places and animals as possible. Ever notice dogs who are afraid of men with beards or people wearing gloves? Or how about dogs who are terrified to get into a car or bark every time they see another dog? These personality quirks can be corrected with socialization – especially when they're young. Read our articles on socialization for more information.